
Each subject at KS 3 has an identified range of knowledge and skills which lay the foundations for Key Stage 4 study. Students are given a target grade in Year 7, based on their prior attainment. All assessed work is given a grade and students are judged to be above, on or below their target grade.

For example, a piece of assessed work in Year 7 may be given a ‘6’ by the teacher. This indicates that this is of the standard expected by a year 7 student who is on  track to get a grade 6 at the end of year 11.

Any student achieving below their target grade is subject to additional support to enable them to ‘catch-up and keep up’.

There are three Progress Points within the year. At each of these, the student will be formally assessed and a report published for parent. These will give feedback on current progress related to target grade as well as effort and behaviour.


The Parent App gives you access to data about your child and their progress. The reports that we provide are published each half-term on the Parent App with students receiving a paper copy.

Progress against target grade is reported using three descriptors:

  1. Above Target 
  2. On Target 
  3. Below Target

When reporting on their behaviour and effort, a four point scale will be used as follows:

  1. Excellent
  2. Good
  3. Satisfactory
  4. Unsatisfactory

Following the completion of the reports, form tutors, Heads of Year and KS3 Heads of Subject will identify students showing significant cause for concern, gather information and take appropriate action.

Homework Policy

Updated: 09/09/2024 425 KB