Careers & Work Experience

The Academy provides a range of options and opportunities to help with career support and guidance for our students. We have a Careers Guidance Team who will meet with students and offer support, including specialist guidance from our Academy Careers Adviser – Mrs Pickford.  Students have the opportunity to discuss on an individual basis the support they need with their decision making, career planning and develop an action plan outlining the steps they need to take to achieve their goals.  Our Careers Adviser is also available to talk with parents to discuss any queries they may have regarding career pathways and the wide range of opportunities available to students.

For more details on the Careers Curriculum click on the link below, we have also attached a copy of the Careers Policy. For any queries please contact our Careers Manager Mrs Pickford via email at 

Careers Information

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Work Experience

Work experience is an important part of preparing our students for the working world. Some of the key benefits include gaining knowledge and key skills required for the workplace whilst enabling students to explore different career options.

Can you help with a work experience placement? We currently work with a huge range of businesses that offer placements for our students, if you are interested please contact our Work Experience Co-ordinator, Joe Trippet on 

Students in the College get a flavour of the working world with a week’s work experience in Year 10. Students in the Studio School spend one day every fortnight on work experience. We help and support students with finding work placements, although often we tend to find the most successful are when students find something themselves (self-placement) normally through a family contact, a friend or local business contact.


For students looking to leave school after their GCSE’s, A Levels and BTECs, apprenticeships can offer an ideal opportunity to enter the working world, earn some money, but to also study for a recognised qualification, hence the mantra ‘earn while you learn’. Through our extensive network of contacts and local businesses we are able to inform students of local apprenticeship opportunities and offer support with applications. We also work with the Pledge organisation who support students showing a specific interest in an apprenticeship.

Useful links

Whilst some students have a clear view on what career they are interested in, many are unsure and we often hear them say “I don’t know what I want to do.” Together with the support we can offer students in school, we have also provided some links below that may help in developing ideas on what areas of the working world may be of interest, along with where to find out more about individual careers, apprenticeships and support available outside of school.

Start: Start is an online careers platform designed to connect 11-18 year olds with their future career potential. It combines the most comprehensive source of information with a personalised experience and career planning tools, helping our students to make more informed decisions about their future study and career options, as well as developing their employability.

For more info click on the logo below.


Eclips: This is an easy to use online careers resource that provides regularly updated information on over 1,000 jobs and careers. Information is also available on education choices and job search. The password is giastu58

National Apprenticeship Service: This website provides extensive information on apprenticeships, including local and national apprenticeship vacancies.

National Careers Service: This organisation offers an on line and telephone support service regarding careers guidance, career options and opportunities available.

Success at school: Offer a range of careers support services and also career zones.

Career Map: Click here to access a free online careers magazine.